Leandro Fernandez

About me

I am Web developer from Argentina. I am currently living in Barcelona, Spain.
I can do both backend and frontend, but most of my experience is related to frontend technologies, I have been working with React + Node.js stacks for a long time(5+ years) building web apps.

Things I find motivating:

  • Coming up with ideas that could be transformed into helpful utilities.
  • Elaborating solutions for challenging technical problems and documenting them the best way I can.
  • Finding ways to improve the UX of the projects I work on.


  • Currently focused on applying to courses and workshops to keep myself updated in terms of new technologies that can help me become a better engineer.
  • Systems Engineering at UTN, 2013 - dropped in 2018.
  • Computer Technician at E.T. 35 D.E. 18 Ing. Eduardo Latzina, 2008 - 2013.
  • Languages I speak:
      English: conversational level. Approved first certificate.


Working for Capitole Consulting:

    AXA: May 2023 - present day:

    • Contributed to the frontend of the Axa Partners group of applications, working on a set of React apps customizable for different partners through configuration and internationalization.
    • Worked on the integration of PWA support for the apps.
    • Gained experience in the Azure cloud platform working on configurations for deployment pipelines and different automatization scripts.

Working as a contractor for Devborn:

    FabFitFun: January 2023 - April 2023:

    • Working remotely with the web team on an ecommerce platform that sells seasonal boxes of beauty, wellness, fashion, and fitness products.
    • Improve integration of A/B testing using Optimizely.

    Sibly: February 2021 - December 2022:

    • First experience working remotely with an international team.
    • Replatform: Accomplished a project to refactor an old jquery web app into a new React dashboard.
    • Improved performance and code reliability issues adding typescript to the project.
    • Added jest unit tests to improve code coverage on both components and Store logic.
    • Developed new features working alongside product and designers team.
    • Dealt with complex challenges related to websockets and messaging events using sendbird SDK.
    • Worked on timezone dependant features for a webapp used by people in different zones of the world.
    • Lead the development of a new web platform for users of sibly.
    • Experience using an AWS setup with s3 and cloudfront.

Bons: October 2018 - January 2021:

  • Frontend development of Produck Progressive web app built with React and connected to a backend using graphQL query language.
  • Implemented performance improvements to a React app that has complex components connected to a very large state using the apollo graphQL client while also considering optimistic results and caching strategies.
  • Developed a web push notifications feature for produck's webapp notifications system.
  • Developed react and vuejs web apps integrated to webflow for many of Bons clients. Using a custom stack with nodeJS + airtable + mongoDB in the backend served by a Vercel serverless BE.

Despegar.com: August 2015 - October 2018:

  • Received training during "Alto Vuelo" course imparted by leaders of backend, frontend and mobile teams.
  • Development of REST APIs written in JAVA, SCALA and node.js.
  • Development of user interfaces powered by angularjs and React.